A servant-hearted church joyfully serving God in the world for His glory
We believe our ultimate purpose is to worship and bring honor to God with all that we do because our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for all He has done for us.
A Spirit-filled church walking intimately with God in the power of the Holy Spirit
We believe the Spirit of God releases gifts to meet spiritual, emotional and physical needs within and beyond the church wherever we go.
A peace-making church courageously spreading the Good News of peace and reconciliation
We believe we are called to help others experience peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ and the joy of a relationship with Him.
A life-changing church that is healing and transforming lives with grace and compassion
We believe God’s unconditional love demonstrated through His church is what sets people free from sin and shame, and releases them to become all that God created them to be.
A family-style church loving one another and serving together across generations
We believe the church is an extended family where members are spiritual fathers and mothers, uncles and aunties, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters.